Frequently asked questions
1. I am still hesitant about using Bloobiz... Can I request a demo for free?
Of course, you can try out a free demo version of the Bloobiz interface. Just click the 'DEMO' section on the navigation bar at the top of the page.
2. What does the Bloobiz subscription plan include?
By subscribing to Bloobiz, you can either select only the modules that you need (CRM, HRM, sales, projects...), or BLOOBIZ_691»
3. How long is the commitment period?
There is no particular commitment period regarding the subscription plan. Your plan is automatically renewed every month according to your needs, and you BLOOBIZ_695»
4. I have a question regarding the use of Bloobiz. What can I do?
You can always check the available resources, such as the help center and the software wizard, for instance.
5. How can I rest assured that my personal and customer data are safe with Bloobiz?
Bloobiz processes data in compliance with the Data Privacy Law. We are committed to carrying out and maintaining appropriate security mesures at a technical and organisational level in order to protect Personal Data from any unauthorised or illegal processing, and any accidental loss, destruction, damage, theft, modification or disclosure, mainly by promptly informing the Customer of any request regarding Personal Data that might have been submitted to Luxembourg Online about Customer database, reporting to the Customer as soon as any unauthorised, accidental or illegal processing, access or disclosure of Personal Data is known and confirmed, and permanently deleting any copy of the Customer database that Luxembourg Online might possess or return this data to the choice of the Customer when cancelling this Contract in compliance with the time limit indicated in Luxembourg Online's Data Privacy Policy.
6. Does Bloobiz support leave and absence management?
Yes, Bloobiz allows any HR department to manage paid and sick leave for all employees.
7. Is it easy to add and delete employees on Bloobiz?
Yes – whenever an employee joins or leaves the company, Bloobiz allows you to easily add BLOOBIZ_721»
8. Is Bloobiz available in the Cloud?
Bloobiz essentially is a Cloud service, which makes it even more accessible and profitable for smaller BLOOBIZ_725»
9. How can Bloobiz help me improve my productivity?
Bloobiz is an integrated solution that allows you to manage every aspect of your business. This way, you can save time and BLOOBIZ_729» your teams to better distribute staff and other internal resources.
10. How can I access the Bloobiz help center?
You can access the help center directly on Bloobiz's side menu. You will also find BLOOBIZ_735» regularly updated in order to provide you with all useful information for using Bloobiz on a daily basis.
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